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Thursday, 29 October 2015

UNISON wins major changes to voluntary severance but fight against compulsory redundancies goes on

UNISON has won major changes to voluntary severance that will improve the terms, extend the time to decide and take away arbitrary deadlines for applying.

The union has also praised the ruling Labour and SNP councillors for working with UNISON to find a better way forward, despite the pressures on them. It also welcomed the support of the Green councillor.

UNISON remains opposed to all cuts and all job losses and we will continue to fight to get the Government to give local government fair funding to protect jobs and services. We will also continued the fight against compulsory redundancies with industrial action if necessary.

But we also know that many members will have applied for, or will be considering voluntary severance/ redundancy.

That’s why we have:-

  • won significant improvements in voluntary release terms (see box)
  • got the timetable extended through organisational reviews so people will know better where they stand
  • pushed for better consultation and information sharing so staff are not kept in the dark
  • kept up the campaign against compulsory redundancies.
  • But compulsory redundancies are still on the agenda and we must keep up that fight through industrial action if necessary.

Voluntary severance improvements
After weeks of hard negotiations, UNISON has won new redundancy terms and timescales.

UP from initial 2 weeks pay per year to 2.7 weeks without pension access

UP from initial 1.0 to 1.7 weeks per year with pension access

See the Council Intranet for full details of the two stages of severance (before and after organisational reviews have started) and new details about maximum years and capping of lump sum.

Backing those left behind

With thousands of jobs going but the need for services still there, we all face the risk of being expected to do more and more to cover for the cuts.

UNISON knows council workers often work above and beyond. We know they show flexibility to serve ‘customers’. UNISON is not asking you to stop that. But the union is saying, don’t let your goodwill be abused. 

There is plenty of evidence that some managers will take advantage of that goodwill and force unrealistic targets and heap on extra work to cover for lost jobs.

Stress and bullying are already far too common so UNISON will be closely monitoring what happens.

We need you in UNISON and we need you to tell us what is happening on the front line.
We will run surveys and workplace meetings and where necessary we fully support members to take action to protect their health and safety.

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