
New website

PLEASE NOTE: With the move to our new website, we are no longer regularly updating this blog. See the latest updates from our website on the right or click here for the new website.

Monday, 28 December 2015

What council cuts really mean - Tell your councillor and MSP 'enough is enough'

UNISON Edinburgh's latest cuts newssheet outlines how the cuts will affect you as a worker and you and your family as citizens.

What the cuts are doing to council staff...
Cutting 2, 000 jobs or around 10% of staff
Threatening compulsory redundancies
No plan to deal with the increasing workloads and stress.

Outsourcing of music instructors
Outsourcing a further 25% of home care work to lower pay providers.
Reducing wages in disability services whilst acknowledging  poor recruitment/ retention levels.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Season's greetings

from UNISON Edinburgh branch secretary Amanda Kerr, officers and staff - especially to those delivering Edinburgh's services over the holiday.

Season's Greetings
A happy and peaceful festive season to all our members. Amidst all the job losses and uncertainty for council workers, we hope you can still have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. You deserve to.