
New website

PLEASE NOTE: With the move to our new website, we are no longer regularly updating this blog. See the latest updates from our website on the right or click here for the new website.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Suspended staff statement

As a trade union we do not comment on the details of disciplinary matters but such has been the publicity created by the recent suspensions in a council department (Seven more suspended in fraud probe, News, May 11), we feel there is a need to set some of the record straight.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

UNISON Scotland: Rally for cuts flops

UNISON Scotland: Rally for cuts flops: "Only 350 people turned up to the rally for cuts in London today . This is in contrast to the half a million people who joined the TUC march..."

Check out the website for full details

UNISON Scotland: Austerity measures don't work

UNISON Scotland: Austerity measures don't work: "Austerity measures “don’t work” and prevent countries from creating jobs needed to generate economic growth, said Nobel Prize winning econom..."

Check out the website for full details