
New website

PLEASE NOTE: With the move to our new website, we are no longer regularly updating this blog. See the latest updates from our website on the right or click here for the new website.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Council must listen to public on saving services

With the revelation in today's Evening News ( ) that 7 out of 10 of Edinburgh residents would rather pay more in tax than lose services, UNISON has called on the Council to listen to the public properly and abandon the 'fixed' consultation.

There is an alternative

There is an alternative UNISON regions and branches mounted a series of individual and joint union events across the country on yesterday's ETUC day of action against austerity cuts.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Monday, 27 September 2010

We don't need cuts - tell a pal

Tell a PalWe don't need these cuts. There is a Better Way. Spread the word and 'Tell a Pal'
You can email, use Hotmail or Gmail and share on facebook, twitter and many others. Help put out the message for public services.


Stewards will be holding meeting to consult members on the Employers' imposition of 0.65% this year with a pay freeze for the following two years. You can make your views known at these meetings or you can respond online by clicking here. We need all responses by 1 October.

Check out the website for full details


As Connaught's administrators try to get services brought back in house, questions are asked about the firms accountancy methods. This firm had passed Edinburgh's finance checks! Click here for our bulletin
see more on the unofficial UNISONActive blog

Check out the website for full details